Part #377

These photos show our #377 Mirror and rear bumper details added to both N.J. Internationals and Wm. K. Walthers UPS Box Delivery Vans. The van with the painted mirrors and bumper details is the NJI van. We left the WKW van parts unpainted so you better identify the parts of the kit. Some of the other modeling modifications made to these models are:MV Lenses were used for the headlights and taillights, A-line Wheels and tires were used on the NJI van (same size axles so no mods. needed), clearance lights are just painted and the NJI van is painted with a custom mix that doesn't really match UPS brown - close enough for us. The windows are made from Microscale' Micro Kristal Kleer. The NJI van is a cast alloy metal kit and requires some filing and clean up. They have recently started casting them in brass. As for the decals, we found these while on a trip to California. The company has since stopped producing them. IF we should ever hear of them being produced again, we will post it here (but don't get your hopes up).
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UPS Box Delivery Van Mirror and Rear Bumper Detail Set
Wm. K. Walthers & NJ Int. models.


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