You have been directed to this page for one of two reasons:
- You have not put anything into your cart, or
- You have Cookies restricted in some way.
Regarding the first reason, you may be asking to "View Your Cart" without having successfully
placed anything into it. If this is the case, return to the site's shopping pages and try again.
Place items into your cart by clicking a "Buy" button or "Add to Cart"
button next to the item you wish to purchase. This action will "initialize" your cart
so that you can view it.
If you have, in fact, successfully placed at least one item into your cart,
then you have been directed to this page for the second reason--because your
browser did not accept our cookie. Reasons for this can be wide and varied. Possible reasons your browser cannot accept our cookie, in order of probability:
- You are behind a Firewall that is not allowing the cookie
Solution: Change firewall settings, or temporarily override your firewall
- Your browser Security Settings are set in a way that disallows our cookie
Solution: Lower your security settings, or adjust settings to allow cookies
- You may have manually refused to accept the cookie.
Most browsers and firewalls come ready to accept legitimate cookie activity, which in this case is a harmless reference
number that corresponds to your order. The number is meaningless, and it contains
absolutely no information about you, your internet activities, email, or anything else.
The number has meaning only to the shopping cart system, and only while you are shopping
on this site.
At any rate, in order for you to purchase items on this site, it is necessary for
your browser to accept our cookie.